Metode TETD
Perhitungan heat gain pada ruang perkantoran menggunakan metode TETD. Secara
ringkas cara perhitungan sebagai berikut:
- Atap dan dinding (roofs and walls)
q = A x U x TETD
q = heat flow,
Btu per hr
A = Area, ft2
U = Over-all heat
transfer coefficient
TETD = Total
equivalent temperature difference
2. Partisi, ceilling, dan lantai
q = A x U x TD
TD = (t2 – t1) = Difference in temperature between the
bounding surface, F
3. Kaca
q = {A} x {[direct
radiation] x [shade factor] + [convection] x [type factor]}
A =Area, ft2
4. Manusia (people)
qs = n x sensible heat gain
ql = n x latent heat gain
qs = q sensible
ql = q latent
n = Number of people in space
5. Penerangan
q = Watt x 3.4 x Allowance
6. Ventilasi dan infiltrasi
qs = 1.08 x Q x (to - ti)
ql = 0.7 x Q x (HRo - HRi)
= Air
flow rate, cfm
to = Outside air temperatur
ti = Room
air temperatur
= Humadity
ratio of outside air, grains per lb
HRi =
Humadity ratio of room air, grains
per lb
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